Monday 26 January 2015

Broken Record

This is just a little poem I wrote, hope you enjoy it:

Broken Record

I hate that I love you,
but no one makes me feel the same way as you do.
When I see you "typing" I get butterflies in my tummy.
For you I turn into a complete dummy.
And when I hear your voice,
It's the sweetest noise.
Music to my ears an orchestrated symphony.
Those are just the things you do to me.
But you say it'll never work between us.
But you see I'm a broken record.
I just keep singing the same song.
I say yes and you'll say no.
We'll keep trading blow for blow.
I'm just stuck on you,
You don't see it the same way I do.
I love you, I love you, you I love.

I hate that I love you,
but no one makes me feel the same way as you do.
I try not to miss you,
but you find your way into head like you always do.
So I put my heart in an un-open-able block.
But you still seem to find the lock.
I learnt to grow a full metal heart.
But you just make it rust and fall apart.
But you see I'm a broken record.
I just keep singing the same song.
I say yes and you'll say no.
We'll keep trading blow for blow.
I'm just stuck on you,
You don't see it the same way I do.
I love you, I love you, you I love..

I hate that I love you,
but no one makes me feel the same way as you do.
I can't stand that I care about you , thinking maybe you'll care about me too.
You play your twisted games on my mind as it slowly decays,
likes it's your personal playground.
It makes me sick and home bound.
Your a cruel mistress,
I know it but in you I put my trust.
But you see I'm a broken record.
I just keep singing the same song.
I say yes and you'll say no.
We'll keep trading blow for blow.
I'm just stuck on you,
You don't see it the same way I do.
I love you, I love you,


About Me

                                         HI, IT'S ME

So I've decided to create a blog, I've been wanting to for a while now but I didn't know what I wanted to make it about so I decided I'll just have a bunch of random things that interest me :)

So who am I? Well I want to remain anonymous as you've probably guess but you can call me Mr E or just E. 
I'm actually quite young , the "Mr" makes me sounds like a teacher not saying teachers are old of course.
This blog is just for me and I'm not expecting anyone to read it but it's there if you want to.
It's just gonna be a bunch of thoughts going in my head so feel free to peek in.
Why don't I keep a journal? I already have one and I don't want to keep a stack of books :P

Things that interest me...hmm...well video games, maybe I'll make a video game post in the future. I like poetry, not a fan of reading as much as I am of writing them.

So there you have it a bit about me :)